
Kuiskivat tytöt

Pari viikkoa on vierähtänyt varsin ponnettomasti, on ollut inspiraation ja energian puutos... mä niiiiin vihaan tätä meidän talvea! Aurinkoa ei ole näkynyt moneen viikkoon/kuukauteen... ja jos näkyy niin on jäätävän kylmä! :( Mä niin kaipaan jo valoa ja kirkasta taivasta... henkisesti jo odotan kevättä, vaikka se nyt on vielä ihan toiveajattelua, lunta voi tulla vielä vaikka kuinka paljon :(
Mutta sainpa nyt kuitenkin yhden kortin aikaiseksi. Kuva on Pion Designin ja ihana vaaleanpunainen ruusupaperi Maja Designin. Stanpendousin Fran-tagella embossattu pahvinen lintukoriste on Wild Orchid Craftsistä.

I've been lacking a bit of inspiration and energy for past couple of weeks... I soooo hate the winter up here: snow, darkness and cloudiness! It's been several weeks/months since we've seen the sun... and if we do see it then it's freezing! >:( I so miss the light and clear sky... I'm mentally waiting for the spring already even I know it's totally premature :( We may still get tons of snow before this winter is really over...
So anyway I managed to get one card done after all ;-)

We love vintage - #40 Embossing (31.1.)
Vintage udfordring - #94 Stars (28.1.)
Ribbon girls - January color pink (24.1.)
ABC - # B for buttons & bows (29.1.)
Bunny Zoe's - Heart (8.2.)
Creative Inspiration - #297 Pretty pearls (27.1.)

15 kommenttia:

  1. What a beautiful card, love it! Thanks for joining WLVC.

  2. Kyllä on kaunis kortti!
    Kyllä pakkaset saisi ainakin hellittää...ei nenää uskalla täällä ulos laittaa!

  3. A very lovely card with a very nice look and pretty flowers and other details. Lovely!
    Thanx for joining us at WLVC.
    xxx Plony

  4. Hello. your card is gorgeous and thanks for sharing your fab work, however the challenge was listed wrong this week it should have said Anything but a card, sorry to cause confusion, good luck with your other challenges.
    x Carol
    Crafty Ribbons team leader

  5. Your card looks great Minna, thanks for sharing it on WLVC.
    Hugs Liesbeth

  6. Don't think there's anything wrong with your mojo Minna, for you have created such a lovely card! The image is so sweet and the embellishments perfect! Thanks for joining us at Vintage Udfordring and good luck to you, take care, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  7. This is so beautiful, love all the details and vintage look. Thanks for joining us at ABC Challenge
    Andrea x

  8. What a baeutiful card you made, gorgeous. Thank you for joining us at the WLVC.

    Hugs Jolanda dt

  9. Wat een super mooi vintage-kaartje met prachtige kleurtjes en lief plaatje
    Liefs Anneke

  10. Beautiful !!! Thanks for joining us at Creative Inspirations!!! I hope you get to join us again for our next challenge. Agnieszka DT

  11. A beautiful Design! Thank you for sharing at ABC Challenge! Hugs Julie DT xox

  12. I know the feeling Minna....I love the spring and summer too, not the cold, dark and grey days... :(
    But with this beautful card it feels like the sun is shining! It a very pretty vintage card with a fab design!
    Thank you for sharing and joining us at ABC Challenge!
    Hugs Annette

  13. Very nice creation - I like it so much. Thanks for joining vintage udfordring.

  14. A lovely vintage creation with beautiful layers! So glad you joined us at Vintage Udfordring! Hugs, Rebecca
