
Children with the sledge

Tänä vuonna ei ehdi tekemään niin montaa joulukorttia kuin olisi halunnut, joten ensimmäistä kertaa aika moneen vuoteen osalle lähtee ostokortti :( ... tässäkin kortissa olen käyttänyt kakkia vanhoja juttuja, viime vuotisia Maja Designin ja Pion Designin papereita ja koristeita.

This year I haven't had the time to make as many cards as I would have liked to, so for the first time in quite many years some of my friends/relatives will get a bought card :( ... Also in this card I've used everything from my old stash, papers are last years Maja Design and Pion Design.

Fussy and Fancy - "201 Blue & Brown/Beige Xmas (8.12.)
Creative inspiration - #284 Winter/Xmas (3.1.)
Crafty Friends - #72 Babies/Children (14.12.)
Noor! Design - Anything goes (31.12.)

4 kommenttia:

  1. Beautiful card, a great vintage look and feel. Thanks for sharing your creation with us at Crafty Friends, we hope to see you back again.

  2. Thank you for joining the challenge at Crafty Friends, your vintage card is lovely.
    Diane Louise x
    Team Leader for Crafty Friends Challenge blog

  3. Pretty projects and great idea,Thank you for the tutorial and for sharing !


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